Middle School
Grades 5-8
Middle School is a complex transitional stage in life that embodies many changes. At Banner, our experienced and dedicated faculty addresses these developmental needs by nurturing and challenging each child to reach his or her potential. Whether in the science lab or on the soccer field, middle school students are fully engaged.

The Banner Middle School incorporates grades 5 through 8 in a six-period day. Students take core academic classes in Languages Arts, Math, History, and Science. Students also take Spanish and PE several times a week. 5th graders take art and music classes, while 6-8 graders take electives that include music, art, creative writing, production, and other topics of interest. Educational technology is incorporated throughout middle school classes and in conjunction, students in 5th and 6th grade take digital literacy classes.
Highlights Of Our Curriculum
Our science curriculum features an instructional sequence emphasizing biology, physics, and chemistry throughout each grade level. Lab experiments, field studies, and science fair projects enhance higher-order thinking skills and develop a love of science in students.
Through guided exposure to a wide variety of literature, instruction in grammar, and extensive experiences in writing, Banner students acquire the skills necessary to express themselves with clarity and competence. Debates, discussions, dramatic readings, and performances enhance their speaking and listening abilities.
Social Studies projects, field trips, debates, and discussion enhance our students’ appreciation for diversity, whether it pertains to different cultures and traditions, political systems, or simply opposing opinions. Frequent opportunities in research and essay writing enable our students to develop a position and support it using reference material from a variety of print, human, and electronic resources.
With an emphasis on student leadership, the development of global awareness, and real-world problem-solving opportunities, students build self-awareness, critical thinking, organizational skills, research skills, and study skills. Students participate in field trips throughout the school year that give them a chance to apply their learning in diverse settings, provide opportunities for students to learn from experts, and engage in service learning experiences.
Our 8th grade students take Algebra I and receive credit upon graduation; our Spanish classes prepare most students for high school Spanish II placement.
All 8th graders present a final project known as Capstone. This year-long endeavor begins with each student selecting a topic about which he or she is passionate. Students conduct research, interview experts in the field, complete an activity that benefits the community, and present their findings to the Banner community at the conclusion of their project.