The Banner Fund
Community is what built The Banner School in 1982 and it is what continues to ensure our legacy of educational excellence in the Frederick area.
Serving as a non-sectarian non-profit school for over 40 years, our operating budget relies on the support of its current families, alumni parents and students, as well as community members through gifts to the annual giving campaign each year to provide the experience that makes “The Banner School Difference” for our current and future Banner Bobcats.
Tuition alone does not cover the cost of a Banner education, and it is through the Banner Fund and other fundraising endeavors that help to close the gap in our operating budget.
Your tax-deductible donation will directly benefit our students, faculty and staff – no gift is too small and is greatly appreciated.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I give?
Great question! A strong annual giving campaign is vital to the overall success and stability of The Banner School. Every donation is important, and a high level of participation is essential. Having a large percentage of our alumni, parent, grandparent, faculty and community friends population participate and donate demonstrates that the Banner community believes in the school and its mission.
How much should I give?
Any donation, regardless of amount, is important. Give what you are comfortable with – it’s just so important to give.
What does my gift support?
In a word, everything! The funds raised impact every area of the school, supporting everything from faculty salaries and financial aid to library books and soccer balls. Every single dollar makes a difference for every single Bobcat.
How do I give?
You can donate by PayPal, credit card or debit card by clicking the button below, or mail cash or check to the address below.
Mailing Address:
The Banner School
Attn: The Banner Fund
217 Dill Avenue
Frederick, MD 21701